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Caring for our Building Heritage

"People need people"

A J Renovatum takes pride in the renovation and restoration of historically and culturally important buildings. We passionately believe in preserving the heritage of the past for the people of today and tomorrow, for once it has been destroyed it can never be recovered.
We are a modern company, using modern techniques and technology, yet working with age old values. We have been in the business for over 35 years, in which time we have built up a great deal of experience and expertise, which, due to specialist nature of our operations, is not widely available.
Air Force Museum
Smoker's Mecca We have a number of major projects to our credit, amongst which are:
  • Melrose House
  • Raadsaal
  • Witwatersrandse Tuiste vir Bejaardes
  • N G Kerk, Bosmanstraat
  • Church Square, Pretoria
  • S A Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns

What AJ Renovatum (Pty) Ltd offers:

  • Consultancy
  • Project management
  • New work undertaken
  • Restoration of historic buildings and monuments
  • Conservation-led regeneration
  • Maintenance of historical buildings
  • Projects undertaken locally, nationally and internationally
  • Sound and sensible solutions
  • Heritage impact assessments
  • Advice
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